Acupuncture for COPD Treatment

Relieve Pain With Acupuncture for COPD

Traditional Chinese Medicine is vastly different than traditional medicine here in the United States; its whole philosophy of healing is based on the flow of energy in the body. Like Western medical practitioners, Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners perform a complete examination of the patient, use their own diagnostic methods, such as pulse diagnosis, and treat patients with natural herbs and acupuncture.

How Acupuncture Works

The Chinese have located hundreds of specific points on the human body, each with its own specific function. These points are located on meridians — there are 20 meridians or pathways of energy flow in the body — and all organs and tissues connect to these meridians. Overall health depends on the flow of energy through these meridians. The meridians are generally named after the organ they nourish; for example, the lung meridian nourishes the lungs.

If the energy flow is blocked anywhere along the meridian, disease is usually found (if not at the present, then later). However, it’s also possible that too much energy could be flowing through a meridian, also related to disease or distress in the organ. Thus, in the treatment of someone with acupuncture, the practitioner’s goal is to balance the flow of energy through the meridians.

How Acupuncture for COPD Feels

A Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner who is well-versed in acupuncture will assess you before treating them you very thin needles inserted into acupuncture points. The needles are so thin they penetrate the skin but the feeling of the needle entering the skin is only that of a mosquito bite. The needle remains in the skin for approximately 20 minutes.

Multiple treatment sessions are scheduled so the effects are additive in the body. Most people undergoing acupuncture for COPD notice an increased sense of wellbeing after each session, as well as a cessation of pain and/or other symptoms.

It’s best to work with a certified acupuncture practitioner, but while you’re looking for one you may use acupressure — a modified version of acupuncture that involves no needles — on yourself. This entails pressing the acupuncture points and holding them for one to five minutes.

Several points will be beneficial for COPD, and will be instrumental in reducing your symptoms.

Here are two places to get started:

Neck Hollow Point

This area of the body is located on the front, bottom part of your neck. Look in the mirror and you will see two bony protuberances at the front bottom part of your neck. Immediately above them is an indentation the tip of your finger will fit into perfectly.

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Hold this point for one to five minutes. You don’t need to press hard, but the pressure should be greater than a simple touch to the skin. This point is connected to the relief of sore throat, chest congestion and cough.

Collarbone Point

This is another point related to coughing and lung congestion. This point is directly underneath the collarbone; simply move your finger to the side of the bony protuberance and press in on the underside of the bone.

Acupressure points may be tender, especially if the energy along the meridian is blocked at that point, but don’t let that stop you. Simply press and hold the point for one to five minutes on both sides of the collarbone.

Using acupressure is a fun way to start impacting your own health. Learn more about this ancient healing method, and apply it to your COPD. You may experience instant relief.

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