Healing Words

Can Words Help Heal?

Is there such a thing as healing words? Can words actually help someone in the healing process? Well, just think about being around a person who has nothing but negative things to say. You know that after a while, your mood goes in a downward spiral as you listen to the words of the pessimist.

Think about a time when you were in a heated argument with a loved one. Unloving words were exchanged and feelings were hurt. You felt stressed, upset, and frustrated—things you shouldn’t be when having COPD.

Now think of a time when someone offered you a compliment. Maybe a loved one offered you encouragement. You felt happy and perhaps, you told yourself you can conquer the world. Since positive words can inspire a person why wouldn’t they offer healing power?

Integrate Healing Words in Your Life

There are many ways to integrate healing words into your life. It is essential that you hear and value positive words so that you are apt to receive them and allow your body to heal. The right kind of words can help you relax and offer you a sense of well-being. The body will actually produce “feel-good" hormones that make you feel wonderful. Try one or all of the following suggestions and see what works for you:

  • Be the one who says something positive to someone. Why wait for positivity to come from someone else.? You can start the trend. You can say, “I love you", offer a word of thanks or praise or even say, “I’m sorry." What offers more healing than that?
  • If you feel disconnected with a loved one or in a confrontational situation, be the one to defuse it with kind words. The other person may become less defensive. This can lead to a positive outcome and healing can begin. All the negative feelings go away with the stress. Many people are not used to the other person becoming “friendly" during a fight so they will not know how to act. You may have to practice this strategy with the person a few times before something comes out of it. Hopefully, they will start initiating the truce so that a positive end comes from a disagreement.
  • Reach out to a loved one or friend who can offer the words that uplift you. You don’t want someone who is not sincere. A counselor or preacher may be great for giving you the words you need to feel good about yourself and possibly de-stress you.
  • If you do not have anyone that can offer positivity to you, consider buying some dvd’s that feature a soothing voice that projects the positive, healing words you need to hear.
  • Words do not have to be spoken words. You may find a book, blog, or other reading media that offers the positivity you seek. There are many resources out there that can be beneficial to your well-being.
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