Combatting Fatigue With COPD

Combatting Fatigue to Get More out of Life

One of the most common complaints about chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the fatigue a person has to endure. This can be very discouraging to COPD sufferers as they cannot do the things they want to do. Let's take a look at the best ways for combatting fatigue.

Get Your Sleep

This may seem to be a logical assumption, but there are reports that say many adults are not getting their seven to nine hours of sleep every night. You should ensure you are getting your sleep and if you are not, talk to your doctor. You may be able to get a prescription for a sleep aid or you can promote sleep on your own by using relaxation methods.

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You’re probably thinking that this is easier said than done, but you have to find ways to cope with stress more effectively if you cannot get rid of it. Use methods such as meditation or yoga to help alleviate stress. The less stress you can remove from your body, the less fatigue you will experience.


You may think exercise will wear you out more, but on the contrary, it has been found that people who exercise regularly report that they are less fatigued overall. They even experience a better quality of life than those who were not in an exercise program.

Eat Healthy

Eat foods that are full of nutrition and energy-boosting properties, such as nuts or other foods high in vitamin B. Also, always eat breakfast in the morning so you have a pick-me-up to start out the day.

Stay Hydrated

You will find that being dehydrated will bring on symptoms of fatigue, especially in the morning when you haven’t had anything to drink all night long. Start your day with a glass of water. Keep yourself hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day.

A Daily Vitamin

You may benefit from a vitamin or mineral supplement if you feel your diet isn’t addressing all of your nutritional needs. It may not address your fatigue head-on, but at least you will ensure you are getting the vital vitamins and minerals.

Keep Your COPD in Check

Increase in fatigue may be attributed to an exacerbation, it is important to prevent this for obvious reasons.


Make it a point to get a little sunlight each day to help you with your fatigue. You may not believe it, but a person needs a little sunlight every day; not only does it help us synthesize vitamin D, it helps keep us from becoming depressed.

There are many people who do not get enough sunlight, and they become depressed and fatigued. It is known as seasonal affective disorder (SAD) and it may cause you to be tired a lot, especially in the winter months when you are less likely to go outside. If you find you have SAD, you can go outside more, leave the shade open for sunlight to come in. There are lamps that you can purchase that can help with this issue as well.

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